Carers Resource

At York Medical Group, we recognise the essential role of carers—those who provide unpaid support to family or friends with disabilities, illnesses, or aging needs. Our Carers Resource Hub offers practical advice, emotional support, and connections to local resources. Find the help you need to make your caregiving journey smoother and more rewarding.

You can update your Carer Status via our Update your Details form and selecting Carer Status

Carers Definitions:

The Carers Trust defines carers as: ‘Anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support’.

An Adult Carer is someone who is caring for someone over 18 years and who might be struggling to manage caring alongside employment, or ‘sandwich carers’ caring for a disabled child as well elderly parents. This group of carers also includes older adults, often co-caring for one another.  

Young Adult Carers are young people aged 16–25. They may or may not be in education/ employment/ training and may be struggling to manage the transition of support for them/ family member as they turn 18.

Young Carers are under 18 and they might not fully understand their caring role and might be caring for a parent who has parental responsibility for them which can be a tricky dynamic.

Parent Carers provide support to their children, who have additional needs including illness, disability, or have mental health or substance misuse problems.

Useful Resources

York Carers Centre is an independent charity offering free support and advice to unpaid carers in York. Includes specific services for young carers (age 5 – 18 years), and young adult carers (age 16 – 25 years)

Parent Carer Forum supports parent carers of children aged 0 – 25 years

Carers UK Free Digital Support Offer. This platform offers a comprehensive range of practical, emotional, and financial resources tailored to support carers at every step of their journey.

Use this code:DGTL6282

This is a non-judgemental service to support individuals to make small changes, that could make a big impact on their quality of life. If you would like to access this service or find out more call:

Live Well York is a website for adults in York.

You can use this website to find helpful information and advice, discover hundreds of local groups and activities and find out what events are happening across York.

The website is supported by a number of organisations across York, working in partnership. These organisations include Age UK, Healthwatch York, York CVS, York Explore, York Mind, Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, and the City of York Council. You can find out more about all the organisations on our Live Well York Partners page.

City Of York Council social care support for carers and the person they care for.

Includes carer’s assessments, support from local councils, respite care and help for young carers.

We’re here to make life better for carers.

Making a difference to unpaid carers:

We work to transform the lives of unpaid carers through our innovative programme work, influencing policy, undertaking research and providing specialist resources for professionals.

Be Independent helps you live independently by bringing emergency care and specialist equipment to your home; our services can play a key role in supporting your better health and care, for you to maintain your own independence, in York.

Support and information for young carers.

Being a young carer or a young adult carer can be challenging sometimes, but it can also be rewarding and brilliant! We’ve created this page to help you connect with other carers, celebrate your work, learn new skills and find the support and information you need.

Advice for carers information guide.

Caring for a friend or relative can be hugely rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Download our guide to learn what support is available for you and the person you look after.

Dementia Forward is the leading dementia charity for York and North Yorkshire. We provide support, advice and information to anybody affected by dementia across the county, and have developed a comprehensive range of services; all with people living with dementia at their heart.

At Alzheimer’s Society we’re working towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. We do this by giving help to those living with dementia today, and providing hope for the future.