In-House Counselling

Waiting list is closed for new self-referrals and this Service will permanently close in July 2024

Who is our service for?

The In-House Counselling Service is provided and managed by York Medical Group and is for patients currently registered with York Medical Group.

How do you access the service?

You may have discussed counselling at an appointment with one of our Doctors or mental health professionals. Your referral will be assessed by our Service Lead and, if we are considered the right service for you, you will be added to our waiting list. The amount of time you will wait to be seen varies with demand, but we aim for no longer than 3 months from when you were referred.

What is counselling?

Counselling is a series of face-to-face sessions in one of our two counselling rooms at 32 Clifton, York, YO30 6AE. You will meet with a counsellor who will listen attentively and give you the time and space to explain how you are feeling. You will be able to share your thoughts, worries and concerns. Together, you and your counsellor will explore them to help you begin the journey towards understanding and resolving them.

You will be offered 6 weekly sessions, including the first session where you will have the opportunity to meet your counsellor, complete your counselling agreement paperwork, share what is worrying you, and ask any questions you may have.

Engaging in counselling is a serious commitment and you should make every effort to prioritise attendance at every session.

You will be contacted by your counsellor directly when you are at the top of the waiting list.

In-House Counselling Information

We employ a fully qualified counsellor who is a Registered Member of the BACP, along with a range of student counsellors who are completing counselling diplomas. All counsellors are vetted by York Medical Group, hold current DBS certificates and adhere to a strict ethical code of conduct.

All counsellors are supervised through their academic institutions or professional organisation of registration. The counsellor will refer back to the medical teams if concerns arise relating to medical issues or deteriorating mental health. The student counsellors are not employed by the practice and perform the counselling activity on a voluntary basis. Counselling sessions will be conducted in confidentiality.

We have also included a list of local services that is available here