Midwife Booking In Information
Congratulations on your pregnancy. This page contains a copy of the antenatal pregnancy notes and the information leaflets we give you prior to your booking appointment.
If you could read this information before your booking it would be helpful for yourself and the midwife.
https://www.yorkhospitals.nhs.uk/your-visit/patient-information-leaflets/maternity-patient-leaflets/: Midwife Booking Info https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/screening-tests-in-pregnancy/: Midwife Booking Info https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/media/1650/look-say-sing-play-leaflet.pdf?: Midwife Booking Info https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/media/1650/look-say-sing-play-leaflet.pdf?: Midwife Booking Info“This information is for you if you (or a friend or relative) are expecting a baby, planning to become pregnant or have recently had a baby. It tells you about group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection in babies in the first week after birth (known as early-onset GBS) and provides links to further information about late-onset GBS infection. It includes the current UK recommendations for preventing GBS infection in newborn babies.”
https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/patients/patient-leaflets/group-b-streptococcus-gbs-infection-pregnancy-newborn-babies/: Midwife Booking InfoWe also have an “Ask a Midwife” service available via a Facebook page you may wish to ‘like’ .The page is called York & Scarborough Bumps 2 Babies.
Below is a link to the LMS Personal care plan. This will help you explore, understand and record your individual choices for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.
https://www.humbercoastandvalematernity.org.uk/pregnancy-journey/personal-care-plans-/: Midwife Booking InfoRegards
York Community Midwives
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust